The 25 Best Ariana Grande Quotes

The 25 Best Ariana Grande Quotes

Ariana Grande Quotes



1.”Love is a really scary thing, and you never know what’s going to happen. It’s one of the most beautiful things in life, but it’s one of the most terrifying things in life.” Ariana Grande



2.”I don’t regret any of the decisions I’ve made in my life. Because with every choice I’ve made, I’ve learned something new.” – Ariana Grande



3.”The best fashion advice I’d say would be just to do what makes you comfortable and what makes you feel cute, and that’s how you’re gonna look your best.” – Ariana Grande



4.”I’m willing to take the brunt for fighting in what I believe in. And I think the universe will repay that.” – Ariana Grande



5.”I think of myself as a highly emotional, highly sensitive human being. I’m very reactive. I pick up on everything.” – Ariana Grande



6.”Don’t ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It’s too short, and you’re too special.” – Ariana Grande



7.”Love your flaws. Own your quirks.” – Ariana Grande



7.”I’m a huge perfectionist, so I’m really hard on myself. But I think that’s how I’ve gotten to where I am.” – Ariana Grande



8.”Be happy with being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are.” – Ariana Grande



9.”The best fashion advice I’d say would be just to do what makes you comfortable and what makes you feel cute, and that’s how you’re gonna look your best.” – Ariana Grande



10.”I think it’s so important for girls to love themselves and to treat their bodies respectfully.” – Ariana Grande



11.”Music is really driving my whole life.” – Ariana Grande



11.”I love music in general. It’s like my best friend. That’s why I can’t narrow down a favorite genre, or favorite artist, or anything like that.” – Ariana Grande



12.”I don’t regret any of the decisions I’ve made in my life. Because with every choice I’ve made, I’ve learned something new.” – Ariana Grande


13.”Life is beautiful. Cherish every moment even if you’re stressed or hurt or whatnot. There’s always tomorrow and it always gets better.” – Ariana Grande

  1. “I’m willing to take the brunt for fighting in what I believe in. And I think the universe will repay that.” – Ariana Grande
  2. “If you’re passionate about something, then it will definitely work out for you. You should never stop believing in something, and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.” – Ariana Grande
  3. “I worked with someone who told me they’d never like me. But for some reason, I just felt like I needed her approval. So I started changing myself to please her. It made me stop being social and friendly. I was so unhappy.” – Ariana Grande
  4. “I love, love, love just being hands on at all times in the studio.” – Ariana Grande
  5. “I want to be a recording artist for my whole entire life. But Broadway is something I would come back to at any given moment. I love, love, love doing theater.” – Ariana Grande
  6. “If I could, I would not do anything else. I’d just be in the studio for my whole life. I would never go to parties, events, and red carpets. I would rather just be in the studio for the whole time. I don’t even care. Nobody has to know what I look like. I just want to make music.” – Ariana Grande
  7. “My performance outfits are very Marie Antoinette, sparkly corsets… and full skirts. And then we do another look that’s ’50s-inspired. Poufy skirts, big bows. Very fun, girlie and young, but otherwise, when I’m not in costume, I dress really normal.” – Ariana Grande
  8. But as far as dream roles – I know this is so expected of me, but I would to play Elphaba in ‘Wicked’ on Broadway. I have a lot of dream roles, but that’s like my main one because of the vocal track. I love belting high things! – Ariana Grande
  9. “Every day, my mom and I would watch a different Judy Garland VHS. I love how she tells a story when she sings. It was just about her voice and the words she was singing – no strings attached or silly hair or costumes, just a woman singing her heart out. I feel like that doesn’t happen that much anymore.” – Ariana Grande
  10. I like either skinny jeans or the ripped, casual, super-sloppy boyfriend jeans. A lot of ripped jeans. They are so early 2000, but they are so cute, I love them. I love surfer jeans, too! – Ariana Grande
  11. “People tend to think that because I’m a performer and I don’t go to a regular high school that I haven’t personally been affected by bullies. But it’s actually quite the contrary.” – Ariana Grande

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