Nipsey Hussle Life Quotes

30 Best Nipsey Hussle Life Quotes

Nipsey Hussle Life Quotes:


1.”I’m about seeing long-term, seeing a vision, understanding nothing really worthwhile happens overnight, and just sticking to your script long enough to make something real happen.”

– Nipsey Hussle

2.”You’ve got to have faith in what you’re doing and not take no for an answer.”

– Nipsey Hussle

3.”Premature certainty is the enemy of the truth.”
– Nipsey Hussle
4.”Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can’t take steps toward whatever your goal is.”
– Nipsey Hussle
5.”We got turned down, we failed, had setbacks, had to start over a lot of times. But we kept going at it.”
6.”You’ve got to have faith in what you’re doing and not take no for an answer.”
– Nipsey Hussle
7.”Luck is just bein’ prepared at all times, so when the door opens, you’re ready.”
– Nipsey Hussle
8.”You’re not going to scare me into being somebody I don’t want to be.”
– Nipsey Hussle
9.”If you look at the people in your circle and you don’t get inspired, you don’t have a circle. You have a cage.”
– Nipsey Hussle
10.”I’m at peace with what I’m doing, I feel good with what I wake up doing and about my lifestyle.”
– Nipsey Hussle
11.”I don’t ever make moves under pressure.”
– Nipsey Hussle
12.”It’s not called quitting if you quit while you ahead. It’s about being aware and being strategic enough to know that you got to get out the pool at some point. You got to put your clothes back on and dry off.”
– Nipsey Hussle
13.”I grew up in an environment where being polite was taken as a weakness. So I just fought everybody.”
– Nipsey Hussle
14.”Black people in America, people from the struggle, immigrants, it’s no generational wealth that we are attached to, so we are tasked to create – in one generation – closing the gap. That’s why we so Doomsday about getting to the check: ’cause it’s life or death for real.”
– Nipsey Hussle
15.”I intend to inspire people with my story: motivate young people that grew up like myself, or even not like myself. Just, you know, go through the human experience.”
– Nipsey Hussle
16.”Sometimes you have to take two steps back to take ten forward.”
– Nipsey Hussle
17.”The game is gonna test you, never fold. Stay 10 toes down. It’s not on you; it’s in you, and what’s in you, they can’t take away.”
– Nipsey Hussle
18.”Define who you are and what you are, and be clear on that. Meditate on that and then, live and die by that.”
– Nipsey Hussle
19.”I think everybody’s trying to get to a place in themselves where they conquer what they was afraid of; they achieve some of their life goals, kept their word about what they were trying to do”
– Nipsey Hussle
20.”Success or greatness come with a roller-coaster ride… anybody can apply the marathon concept to what they do.”
– Nipsey Hussle
21.”It sounds simple telling people to work hard and never quit, but to really execute and demonstrate those principles takes discipline and faith. Those are the two factors that I believe separate the good from the great, the successes from the failures.”
– Nipsey Hussle
22.”One pillar to wealth is having residual income.”
– Nipsey Hussle
23.”We represent a hustler. I think we represent inspiration. I think we represent, you know, staying down. I think we represent building yourself up from the bootstraps.”
– Nipsey Hussle
24.”Victory’ is like, you won, so the question is, what? What did you win? I think that the songs go into that. It’s just about reaching a place in myself.”
– Nipsey Hussle
25.”As much as I’m a black person from America, I’m a black person from Africa, too.”
– Nipsey Hussle

26.”I think you can give a pure artistic product if you understand how to build your own industry.”

– Nipsey Hussle
27.”I’m touring the world, not doing nothing against the law, getting money to feed my family. I got employees that have felonies, and they can’t get jobs. They work for me.”
– Nipsey Hussle
28.”I really am a fan of Ye’s music.”
– Nipsey Hussle
29.”As an entrepreneur, as an investor, I’m trying to be as educated as I can to where the progression of technological capability is going and what it does to these different categories that, me as an artist and an influencer, I can get involved and bring value.”
– Nipsey Hussle
30.”I always wanted to operate at the highest altitude, just in terms of hip-hop and the music.”
– Nipsey Hussle
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