TOP 50 Kevin Hart Quotes

TOP 50 Kevin Hart Quotes

Kevin Hart Quotes :


" Life is too short to worry about what others say about you. Have fun and give them something to talk about. "


1.” Life is too short to worry about what others say about you. Have fun and give them something to talk about. “

Kevin Hart

2.” Hard work and determination equals success. Nothing comes easy. Put your mind to something. ”

– Kevin Hart

3.” Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. I live by that. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually, it’ll pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years. Eventually, your hard work will pay off. ”

– Kevin Hart

4.” The best feeling in the world is seeing the benefits and rewards of hard work. ”

– Kevin Hart


" It all depends on what you’re willing to invest time and effort in and put your mind to. That’s what separates winners from losers. Winners are the ones who want the most out of their opportunities. "


5.” It all depends on what you’re willing to invest time and effort in and put your mind to. That’s what separates winners from losers. Winners are the ones who want the most out of their opportunities. “

– Kevin Hart

6.” I love making people laugh. And I love laughing. “

– Kevin Hart

7.” No matter what, people grow. If you chose not to grow, you’re staying in a small box with a small mindset. People who win go outside of that box. It’s very simple when you look at it. “

– Kevin Hart

8.” If you give up at the first sign of struggle, you’re really not ready to be successful. ”

– Kevin Hart

9.” I’m a whopping 5 foot 4 inches tall. I’m not going to get any taller. ”

– Kevin Hart


" I’m a businessman as well as an entertainer. The reason why is because I want to own whatever I’m doing. I don’t want to work for other people forever. "


10.” I’m a businessman as well as an entertainer. The reason why is because I want to own whatever I’m doing. I don’t want to work for other people forever. “

– Kevin Hart

 11.” You do projects with the hope they will be big and hope they will go beyond what you imagine. ”

– Kevin Hart

 12.”Believe it or not, I make myself laugh. Sometimes when I have thoughts or say some things that are funny, it just makes me laugh, and I don’t mind laughing at it before you guys do. ”

– Kevin Hart

13.” You don’t want to pigeonhole yourself. ”

– Kevin Hart

 14.” Because of what I do, it has to be an open book, but right now this is a book that is being written. ”

– Kevin Hart

" Take me and my role seriously. Take my talent seriously. "


15.” Take me and my role seriously. Take my talent seriously. “

– Kevin Hart

16.” I think if someone gets kicked in the face it is their fault – they watched the foot come towards their face. ”

– Kevin Hart

17.” A reputation as a hard worker is a good reputation to have. ”

– Kevin Hart

18.” Laughter heals all wounds, and that’s one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you’re going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing. ”

– Kevin Hart

19.” When people get married young, you don’t really understand the true definition of marriage. ”

– Kevin Hart


" Everybody that’s successful lays a blueprint out. "


20.” Everybody that’s successful lays a blueprint out. “

– Kevin Hart

21.” I took my daughter to the father-daughter dance and I cried like a little baby. She’s 11 years old, so seeing her get dressed up and pretty made me cry. ”

– Kevin Hart

22.” You don’t have to treat people differently. You may be living a different lifestyle, but the person living that different lifestyle still can relate to anybody and have the same amazing personality of the guy from North Philly. ”

– Kevin Hart

23.” When you work hard and you treat people great, regardless of what it is that you’re doing, naturally people want to help and do things. ”

– Kevin Hart

24.” Men and women do think differently, and frankly, we don’t understand each other. Not at all! But that’s what makes relationships so amazing. ”

– Kevin Hart


" Chris Rock does the political thing really well, but that never worked for me. "


25.” Chris Rock does the political thing really well, but that never worked for me. “

– Kevin Hart

26.” I shouldn’t have to ask for your permission for me to put you in my lie!”

– Kevin Hart

27.” I have good laugh every day. I enjoy life. I’m surrounded by love and positivity. ”

– Kevin Hart

28.” What women need to understand is that men don’t communicate. It’s not intentional or on purpose. We’re just not as emotional. You ladies feel like you have to express yourselves. ”

– Kevin Hart

29.” You get one life. I’m going to embrace mine. ”

– Kevin Hart


" I don’t want enemies. I want friends, and I want them in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and loving whoever they want to. "


30.” I don’t want enemies. I want friends, and I want them in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and loving whoever they want to. “

– Kevin Hart

31.” Every experience is a potential life lesson. Even if you don’t appreciate it at the time, each struggle in the present is preparing you for something else in the future. ”

– Kevin Hart

32.” People don’t want drama 365 days a year. I’m a sense of relief; it’s my job to take your mind off what’s bad for that brief second you’re in the room with me, regardless of shape, race, colour or anything. It brings people together, and it makes me feel good about what I’m doing. ”

– Kevin Hart

33.” I don’t take pictures when I’m with my kids, for the sake of my kids. It’s important when you’re as busy as I am that you give your kids your time when you’re with them, and nothing compromises that. I’ve been lucky enough to have fans that understand that. ”

– Kevin Hart

34.’ The two things in the world we all share in this world are laughter and pain. We’ve all got problems. The levels of those problems vary, but we’ve all got problems. When you can take things that are painful and make them funny, that’s a gift – to you and your audience. ”

– Kevin Hart


" Hollywood has a way of making everything seem like an overnight success. "


35.” Hollywood has a way of making everything seem like an overnight success. “

– Kevin Hart

36.” My daughter doesn’t even get my humor. She’s like, ‘Um, no. I don’t get it, Dad. Mmm, no, not that one, Dad.”

– Kevin Hart

37.” I am in control of my career, and that’s what so many actors don’t take advantage of. You get to these successful points, and you continue to just work for other people. But, when you’re your own brand and you’re your own boss, the whole line of work changes. That’s my biggest turn on. ”

– Kevin Hart

38.” Before I look stupid and not know what a word means or how to pronounce it, I’ll stop the whole production, “Hey, real quick, guys. Define this word for me. Somebody. ”

– Kevin Hart

 39.” I’m never gonna step away from stand-up. I can’t. That’s what got me where I am, and that’s also my muse. That’s how I stay level-headed. That’s what keeps me going. ”

– Kevin Hart


" Going through my divorce has changed who I am in my understanding of what’s good and bad in relationships. "


40.” Going through my divorce has changed who I am in my understanding of what’s good and bad in relationships. “

– Kevin Hart

41.” When you’re coming up with new material, it’s not always gonna be good. The only way to learn is for it not to get a laugh, so you can adjust it and come back the next day to see if it’s working right. Next time, you might get a different laugh. You’re constantly rebuilding. ”

– Kevin Hart

42.” I only wanna go up the steps toward a different level of stardom. The BET Awards was one of those steps, the VMAs was another huge step. And the next step, eventually, hopefully, would be the Oscars. ”

– Kevin Hart

43.” Every poem that I write is, in a sense, trying to find adequate words for this unspeakable word, around which my entire life turns. ”

– Kevin Hart

44.” The thing about impressing your girlfriend is that when you do something like a private island in Fiji, it’s all downhill from that point. ”

– Kevin Hart


" No man wants to settle down. It happens. Eventually you’re going to bump into somebody that makes you go, ‘Hmm, I don’t mind seeing this person every day. "


45.” No man wants to settle down. It happens. Eventually you’re going to bump into somebody that makes you go, ‘Hmm, I don’t mind seeing this person every day. “

– Kevin Hart

46.” On ‘Think Like a Man,’ they got the best out of me because they allowed me to bring my own cadences and opinions to the character that I was playing. I think we got the best of that particular character. ”

– Kevin Hart

47.” Any hand that I’ve shaken, any person that I met when I was Joe Blow, now that I’m this guy, has come back. That’s why I treat everybody with respect. I’m always a nice pleasant guy to meet because when they come back to you, they remember. ”

– Kevin Hart

48.” I know how easy it is to put your foot in your mouth. ”

– Kevin Hart

49.” I like the fact that now my understanding for entertainment and the entertainment business is completely different from what it was when I first came in. I get the business side of it. ”

– Kevin Hart


" My success comes in making fun of whatever you’re doing. That’s my way. "


50.” My success comes in making fun of whatever you’re doing. That’s my way. “

– Kevin Hart

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