TOP 30 Inspiring Scarlett Johansson Quotes

TOP 30 Inspiring Scarlett Johansson Quotes

30 Inspiring Scarlett Johansson  Quotes :



1.” Powerful women often get concerned with this idea that they’re going to be seen in this unforgiving light. Screw that. It’s so old-fashioned… It’s so uninspired and actually really cowardly. “
– Scarlett Johansson
2.” If you feel glamorous, you definitely look glamorous. “
– Scarlett Johansson
3.” When you spend a lot of time, like I do, just standing around and waiting, or being moved from place to place, every minute gets consumed by something someone else has set up for you. And it’s not like I’m always in a beautiful place wearing something gorgeous. “
– Scarlett Johansson
4.” It’s important for people to figure out their own lives before involving someone else – to gauge where you are and work on your own issues. “
– Scarlett Johansson
5.” I value my privacy and my personal life – and I certainly don’t exploit my personal life. “
– Scarlett Johansson
6.” I don’t do damsel in distress very well. It’s hard for me to play a victim. “
– Scarlett Johansson
7.” As a devoted mother and private person, and with complete awareness that my daughter will one day be old enough to read the news about herself, I would only like to say that I will never, ever be commenting on the dissolution of my marriage. “
– Scarlett Johansson
8.” I believe in finding a soul mate. I’ve always been in monogamous relationships. I would never want to be in an open one. It’d be too awful. Monogamy can be hard work for some people. I don’t think it applies to everybody, and I don’t think a lot of people can do it. “
9.” I just want to work on things that are really hard, and when I’m not working on things that are really hard, I want to hang out with people I like to be with, and that’s it. “
– Scarlett Johansson
10.” I’ve always been very determined, ever since I was a little girl, to make my way. “
– Scarlett Johansson
11.” I believe in finding a soulmate. “
– Scarlett Johansson
12.” Whenever I’m taking time off, all I’m thinking about is working. “
– Scarlett Johansson
13.” I’m happiest when I have something to focus my energy on. “
– Scarlett Johansson
14.” You think that your life is going to be one way, and then, for various reasons or whatever, it doesn’t work out.”
– Scarlett Johansson
15.” Just because I’m the top-grossing actress of all time does not mean I’m the highest paid. I’ve had to fight for everything that I have. It’s such a fickle and political industry. “
– Scarlett Johansson
16.” You think that your life is going to be one way, and then, for various reasons or whatever, it doesn’t work out.”
– Scarlett Johansson
17.” I think most of the impact I have over time most people will not actually know about. “
– Scarlett Johansson
18.” I have always… expected a lot from myself. “
– Scarlett Johansson
19.” I definitely believe in plastic surgery. I don’t want to be an old hag. There’s no fun in that. “
– Scarlett Johansson
20.” I just adored working with Woody. He was more than I could have ever dreamed of. I’d do it a million times over. “
– Scarlett Johansson
21.” I would never knowingly go into a film that I wouldn’t pay to see, or something that didn’t challenge me. “
– Scarlett Johansson
22.” ‘ve stood around bogs wearing half a million dollars’ worth of jewelry, up to my knees in the rot, thinking how much more or less the place smelled like a sewer than it did the day before. “
– Scarlett Johansson
23.” I work a lot, so I don’t really live anywhere for very long periods of time. “
– Scarlett Johansson
24.” I do work that I feel I have something to contribute to. “
– Scarlett Johansson
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25.” I like this job. I like doing it. It’s good to be challenged like that. “
– Scarlett Johansson
26.” When we live our lives everyday, we’re met by opportunities, and most of us don’t even recognize them. “
– Scarlett Johansson
27.” I believe that luck is opportunity meeting preparation. “
– Scarlett Johansson
28.” I’ve always had the same principle for choosing roles, which is to try and make movies that I would pay to see. As I get older, that’s meant different things. “
– Scarlett Johansson
29.” The truth isn’t all things to all people all of the time. “
– Scarlett Johansson
30.” It is important to remind young people that peace is the only victory. “
– Scarlett Johansson