cristiano ronaldo quotes

30 Best Cristiano Ronaldo Quotes


1. “I see myself as the best footballer in the world. If you don’t believe you are the best, then you will never achieve all that you are capable of.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

2. “I am not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well. More important than that, I feel an endless need to learn, to improve, to evolve, not only to please the coach and the fans but also to feel satisfied with myself.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

3.”I’m living a dream I never want to wake up from.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

4.”I know I’m a good professional, I know that no one’s harder on me than myself, and that’s never going to change, under any circumstances.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.


5.”Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.”

Cristiano Ronaldo.

6.”To be the best, you need the best.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

7.”I don’t want to be compared to anyone. I’d like to impose my own style of play and do the best for myself and for the club here.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

8.”Winning – that’s the most important to me. It’s as simple as that.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

9.”We don’t want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.


10.”Talent without working hard is nothing.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

11.”We don’t want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

12.”I’m proud to play for Real Madrid because I have fun; when you no longer have fun it’s a sign that it’s time to leave.”For now though I am happy here at the greatest club in the world.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

13.”I’m not going to change the world. You’re not going to change the world. But we can help – we can all help.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

14.”Don’t let small obstacles be in the way of being victorious.Remember you are stronger than the challenges you face.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

15.”I have two Golden Shoes. But no matter where I go, I want to make it clear that I am Cristiano Ronaldo.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

16. “I’ve never tried to hide the fact that it is my intention to become the best.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

17.”The high point of my career was winning the Champions League. No one will ever erase that from my memory, in the same way that no one will ever erase the fact that I did it in a Manchester United shirt.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

18.”If you think you’re perfect already, then you never will be.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

19.If you think you’re perfect already, then you never will be.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

20.”I think sometimes the best training is to rest.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.


21.”I don’t have to show anything to anyone. There is nothing to prove.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

22.”To me, being the best means proving it in different countries and championships.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

 23.”Scoring goals is a great feeling, but the most important thing to me is that the team is successful.” it doesn’t matter scores the goals as long as were winning.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

24.”It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

25.”The high point of my career was winning the Champions League. No one will ever erase that from my memory, in the same way that no one will ever erase the fact that I did it in a Manchester United shirt.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

26.”My father always taught me that when you help other people, then God will give you double. And that’s what has really happened to me. When I have helped other people who are in need, God has helped me more.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

27.”Many people look at me and think they know me but they don’t at all. This is the real me. I am a humble person, a feeling person. A person who cares about others, who wants to help others.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

28.”I don’t mind people hating me, because it pushes me.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

29.“In football, I don’t have a lot of friends. There are not many people who I really trust are not many. Most of the time, I’m alone.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

30.“I feel an endless need to learn, to improve, to evolve, not only to please the coach and the fans, but also to feel satisfied with myself.”

– Cristiano Ronaldo.

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