50 Best West Quotes

50 Best West Quotes

West Quotes :



1.” The sun doesn’t always shine in West Virginia, but the people do. “

John F. Kennedy

2.” I am neither of the East nor of the West, no boundaries exist within my breast. ”

– Rumi

3.” We face neither East nor West: we face forward. ”

– Kwame Nkrumah

4.” From the depths of the West of Europe, a young child will be born of poor people, he who by his tongue will seduce a great troop; his fame will increase towards the realm of the East. ”

– Nostradamus



5.” I have heard something said about allegiance to the South. I know no South, no North, no East, no West, to which I owe any allegiance. “

– Henry Clay

6.” My father is from the West Indies, the St. Thomas Virgin Islands. ”

– Stephen A. Smith

7.” Kanye West is my favorite artist. ”

– Drake

8.” Canada is like an old cow. The West feeds it. Ontario and Quebec milk it. And you can well imagine what it’s doing in the Maritimes. ”

– Tommy Douglas

9.” Poland is not East or West. Poland is at the center of European civilization. It has contributed mightily to that civilization. It is doing so today by being magnificently unreconciled to oppression. ”

– Ronald Reagan



10.” There’s something about the West Coast. The air is lighter. The vibe is chill. “

– Matthew Ramsey

11.” Go West, young man. ”

– Aaron Burr

12.” Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae West said, ‘Too much of a good thing can be wonderful’. ”

– Warren Buffett

13.” Let the Palestinians run their affairs: create a situation in which no Israeli soldier will have to maintain public order, whether in Gaza or the West Bank. Let’s give it to the Palestinians, as long as there is security for us. No more occupying another people. ”

– Yitzhak Rabin

14.” I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast. ”

– Viktor E. Frankl



15.” For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion. “

– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

16.” One ship drives east and other drives west by the same winds that blow. It’s the set of the sails and not the gales that determines the way they go. ”

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox

17.” I would hear stories about Steve Jobs and feel like he was at 100 percent exactly what he wanted to do, but I’m sure even a Steve Jobs has compromised. Even a Rick Owens has compromised. You know, even a Kanye West has compromised. Sometimes you don’t even know when you’re being compromised till after the fact, and that’s what you regret. ”

– Kanye West

18.” If you want to go east, don’t go west. ”

– Ramakrishna

19.” I have become a queer mixture of the East and the West, out of place everywhere, at home nowhere. ”

– Jawaharlal Nehru



20.” The West sees liberation movements as terrorist movements, and that is why I am accused of supporting terrorism: because I support liberation movements.  “

– Muammar al-Gaddafi

21.” The Oslo Accords in 1993 determined that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are a single territorial entity which cannot be divided. Immediately, the United States and Israel set about separating the two and making sure that they would not be united. ”

– Noam Chomsky

22.” ‘Beauty’ is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it is determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West is is the last, best belief system that keeps male dominance intact. ”

– Naomi Wolf

23.” When I say artist I mean the man who is building things – creating molding the earth – whether it be the plains of the west – or the iron ore of Penn. It’s all a big game of construction – some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen. ”

– Jackson Pollock

24.” I went to an ordinary primary school, and then I started performing in a show called ‘Billy Elliot’ on the West End, and that was sort of my drama school. ”

– Tom Holland



25.” The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid people. “

– Marjane Satrapi

26.” Life is full of joys and sorrows, much of it our own making. Sadly, the West has voted time and time again for bigger government, more inflation, higher taxes and excessive regulation – all policies that have kept us from Adam Smith’s vision of an opulent society.  ”

– Mark Skousen

27.” I’m a dirty south goon – damn right, I ain’t no West coast gangster.  ”

– Jorge Masvidal

28.” I grew up on the west side of Detroit – 6 mile and Wyoming – so I was really in the ‘hood. And I would go to school at Detroit Waldorf, and that was not the ‘hood. Growing up in Detroit was good. I had a good perspective, a well-rounded one, and not being one-sided. ”

– Big Sean

29.” Truly sports is a great unifier as our athletes come from villages and cities, north to south, from east to west. ”

– Anurag Thakur





30.” Asia is not going to be civilized after the methods of the West. There is too much Asia and she is too old. “

– Rudyard Kipling

31.” I love classical. I have a lot of, like, Bach and Mozart and stuff. Then you flip on over, and I’ve got, like, Kanye West and, you know, just a bunch of – I am very eclectic. I love every sort of music. ”

– Kaley Cuoco

32.” Whether it’s ‘Veep’ or ‘Homeland’ or ‘The West Wing’ – which is a more idealised version of democracy – people are fascinated by politics. ”

– Kevin Spacey

33.” It is of great importance to our country generally, and especially to our navigating and whaling interests, that the Pacific Coast and, indeed, the whole of our territory west of the Rocky Mountains, should speedily be filled up by a hardy and patriotic population. ”

– James K. Polk

34.” ‘West Wing’ was huge. Like ‘Hamilton,’ it pulls back the curtain on how decision-making happens at the highest level, or at least how you hope it would be. The amount of information Aaron Sorkin packs into a scene gave me this courage to trust the audience to keep up. “

– Lin-Manuel Miranda



35.” In most cases, my visits to the West are for promotion of human values and religious harmony. “

– Dalai Lama

36.” I would heartily welcome the union of East and West provided it is not based on brute force. ”

– Mahatma Gandhi

37.” I have been influenced in my thinking by both west and east. ”

– Nelson Mandela

38.” The West is dead… you may lose a sweetheart but you won’t forget her. ”

– Charles Marion Russell

39.” Late afternoon on the West Coast ends with the sky doing all its brilliant stuff. ”

– Joan Didion



40.” Leaders in China and India realize that science and technology lead to success and wealth. But many countries in the West graduate students into the unemployment line by teaching skills that were necessary to live in 1950. “

– Michio Kaku

41.” As young West Point cadets, our motto was ‘duty, honor, country.’ But it was in the field, from the rice paddies of Southeast Asia to the sands of the Middle East, that I learned that motto’s fullest meaning. There I saw gallant young Americans of every race, creed and background fight, and sometimes die, for ‘duty, honor, and their country.’ ”

– Norman Schwarzkopf

42.” When America’s early pioneers first turned their eyes toward the West, they did not demand that somebody take care of them if they got ill or got old. They did not demand maximum pay for minimum work, and even pay for no work at all. ”

– Paul Harvey

43.” Where I live is about an hour and a half West of London. I live in the countryside… It’s a classic little village, and it’s idyllic in a lot of ways. ”

– William Moseley

44.” When the days start to get shorter, I want to be in some nice brick building on the East Coast with the lights glowing in the windows. When the daylight starts changing, I want to be out West. ”

– Ian Frazier



45.” The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.”

– Townsend Harris

46.” We’ve been in the nation-building business since World War I, and especially since WWII. The goal is not a Jeffersonian Democracy in Afghanistan, but a representative government that respects human rights, protects its own people, and is a friend of the West. These are very realistic – and necessary – goals. ”

– Oliver North

47.” But the West is trying to weaken Islam from outside and inside. They attack our people and invade our countries from outside, and they weaken us from within with ideas like secularism, liberalism and democracy. This is all designed to contaminate our pure Islam. ”

– Abu Bakar Bashir

48.” Many scientists have been drawn to Buddhism out of a sense that the Western tradition has delivered an impoverished conception of basic, human sanity. In the West, if you speak to yourself out loud all day long, you are considered crazy. But speaking to yourself silently – thinking incessantly – is considered perfectly normal. ”

– Sam Harris

49.” ‘The Secret Agent’ remains the most brilliant novelistic study of terrorism as viewed from the blood-spattered outside. But ‘Under Western Eyes’ dares to leap inside – not only into the terrorist mind, but also into the troubled zone that divides West from East, ‘the autocracy in mystic vestments. ”

– Tom Reiss



50.” It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations. “

– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn