50 Best Leonardo Dicaprio Quotes

50 Best Leonardo Dicaprio Quotes

 Leonardo Dicaprio Quotes :



1.” To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

2.” If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

3.” I had a period when I was sixteen where I started to get a big head. I was going through puberty, and I was nominated for an Academy Award. My head got inflated. My friends were the real ones who said, ‘You’re acting different.’ But the truth is that I don’t need that, because I don’t get out of hand. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

4.” Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don’t know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I’m a weirdo. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



5.” I think I will always feel like an outsider. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

6.” Women have been the most persecuted people throughout all of recorded history, more than any race or religion. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

7.” Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

8.” I just really love doing what I do. I know every career is fleeting and there will be time periods when I don’t get the opportunities that I’m getting right now, so I am taking advantage of them. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

9.” Hollywood is a very volatile place where artists come in, and they essentially say they want to belong. It’s incredibly vulnerable to be an actor and also get criticism at a young age when you’re formulating who you are. We’ve seen a lot of people fall victim to that, and it’s very unfortunate. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



10.” I love being immersed in nature, going to places in the world that are pristine and untouched by man. It’s almost a religious experience when you go to a place like the Amazon, and there’s no civilisation for thousands of miles. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

11.” I prefer ordinary girls – you know, college students, waitresses, that sort of thing. Most of the girls I go out with are just good friends. Just because I go out to the cinema with a girl, it doesn’t mean we are dating. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

12.” My dad’s probably one of the kindest people in the world. When I was younger that’s not how I was- I was a little spoiled brat. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

13.” I’ve been very lucky to have achieved a lot of the things that I dreamt of achieving as a young man. But, at the end of the day – and I truly believe this – it is not about achieving great wealth or success. Because they don’t bring happiness, ultimately. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

14.” When a role for a young guy is being offered to me, I think of River Phoenix. It feels like a loss. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



15.” I love science fiction, but I have a hard time feeling for characters in a galaxy far away. Choosing movies is the one thing in my life where there’s no compromising. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

16.” I’ve never been Romeo who meets a girl and falls for her immediately. It’s been a much slower process for me each time I’ve gone into a relationship. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

17.” As a young boy, I was obsessed with endangered species and the extinct species that men killed off. Biology was the subject in school that I was incredibly passionate about. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

18.” I took some time off after ‘Titanic’ because I needed to let the dust settle and recharge my battery. I felt, ‘OK, you’ve been given a tremendous opportunity; what are you going to do with it? Now your name can finance movies that you do want to do. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

19.” My mother is a walking miracle. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



20.” Money was always on my mind when I was growing up. So I was always wondering how we were going to afford this and that. Acting seemed to be a shortcut out of the mess. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

21.” Don’t think for a moment that I’m really like any of the characters I’ve played. I’m not. That’s why it’s called ‘acting’. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

22.” I’ve always been spontaneous and outgoing… I’ve tried lots of things so I’ve got some good life experiences, which is great ’cause it means I’ve got lots of material to work with as an actor. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

23.” My mom, Irmelin, taught me the value of life. Her own life was saved by my grandmother during World War II. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

24.” I’ve managed to keep a clear head and remain sane in this business because I remain a kid off-camera. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



25.” I’ve always been a slow starter. My first date was with a girl called Cessi. We had a beautiful relationship over the phone all summer, and then when we met, I couldn’t look her in the eye. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

26.” I got attention by being funny at school, pretending to be retarded, and jumping around with a deformed hand. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

27.” The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it… It’s a great outlet. I’m not really sure who I am – it seems I change every day. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

28.” To be honest, I’m not really prepared to do a musical, simply because I think I have a pretty atrocious voice. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

29.” If a studio is going to offer me the opportunity to invite my mother and grandmother and all my friends to visit me free of charge in Thailand, I’m going to take that opportunity. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



30.” With Romeo and Juliet, you’re talking about two people who meet one night, and get married the same night. I believe in love at first sight-but it hasn’t happened to me yet. “

Leonardo DiCaprio

31.” I am completely open to doing a romantic comedy, but I will never do something just for the sake of doing a specific genre or because it’s the time or place to do a different type of movie. I think that would be a huge mistake. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

32.” My career should adapt to me. Fame is like a VIP pass wherever you want to go. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

33.” I am friends with Demi. Don’t believe anything you read. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

34.” The bottom line is, when it comes to an actor and his performance, whether nominated or not, it simply has to do with whether that character had enough resonance with the audience. You know, to the filmgoers. And that something that you can’t control. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



35.” I went to a concert once when I was a little kid and ran up onstage, started dancing, started saying anything that came to my head. I was like a little vaudevillian. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

36.” Portraying emotionally ill characters gives me the chance to really act. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

37.” My parents know I was outgoing as a child, and whenever people came over, I’d automatically do impressions of them as soon as they left; it was my mom’s favorite thing. Yes, I grew up in Hollywood, but not in any rich neighborhood. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

38.” When you are given an opportunity to make a film like ‘Body of Lies’ – and I would put ‘Blood Diamond’ in the same category – of course you jump at these opportunities. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

39.” I’ve never tried to reach a certain demographic of an audience or try to say, ‘OK, now I’m going to do this type of film to transition myself into more adult roles.’ Or a romantic hero. Or whatever it may be – you know what I mean? ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



40.” I have a production company,; I have a foundation. I have a lot of responsibilities. Not family – just a lot of responsibilities. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

41.” I was a bit of a loudmouth, and I was in an environment where the elements aligned to have kids smack the hell outta me once in a while. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

42.” Hopefully I’ve gotten better as an actor as the years have gone on, but the type of work I want to do has never changed. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

43.” I certainly don’t eat raw bison liver on a regular basis. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

44.” I like to be able to play a character and act out a lot of things which I can’t or don’t do in my normal everyday life. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



45.” I can remember getting rejected systematically by casting directors as a young kid. I felt like the biggest outsider there ever was; that I’d never belong in that club. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio

46.” I like to be able to play a character and act out a lot of things which I can’t or don’t do in my normal everyday life. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

47.” The good thing about acting is that it always keeps you on your toes… It’s not like any other job where you can go in and do the same thing as yesterday. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

48.” Television is better than it’s ever been in history. A lot of stories are being pushed – because of how complicated they are to make – toward Netflix and other channels on cable. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio

49.” There is a lot of speculation about what women are attracted to, and there are a lot of misconceptions. ”

– Leonardo DiCaprio



50.” When I was 14, I was on the cover of ‘Bop’ and ‘Tiger Beat.’ Every two months, I would see a new kid’s face, and I remember saying, ‘This is not something that lasts very long. “

– Leonardo DiCaprio