30 Best Motivation Thomas Shelby Quotes

30 Best Motivation Thomas Shelby Quotes

Motivation Thomas Shelby Quotes :



1.”I’m not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve.”

– Thomas Shelby

2.”I learned long ago to hate my enemies, but I’ve never loved one before.”

Thomas Shelby

3.”I don’t pay for suits. My suits are on the house, or the house burns down.”

– Thomas Shelby

4.”It’s not a good idea to look at everything through the keyhole. You might get the wrong idea.”

– Thomas Shelby


"Everyone’s a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves."


5.”Everyone’s a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves.”

– Thomas Shelby

6.”You can change what you do, but you can’t change what you want

– Thomas Shelby

7.”I’m not a man who’s afraid of dying. I’m a man who’s afraid of not trying.

– Thomas Shelby

8.”I’m not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve.”

– Thomas Shelby

9.”The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless.”

– Thomas Shelby


"A man who has no enemies is a man who has never done anything."


10.”A man who has no enemies is a man who has never done anything.”

– Thomas Shelby

11.”You can’t trust anyone in this world. The only person you can rely on is yourself.”

– Thomas Shelby

12.”I don’t believe in love. It’s just a weakness that people use to justify their own mistakes.”

– Thomas Shelby

13.”Love is a dangerous thing. It can make a man do things he never would have dreamed of.”

– Thomas Shelby

14.”All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question.”

– Thomas Shelby

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"There’s no such thing as loyalty. It’s just a word people use to make themselves feel better."

15.”There’s no such thing as loyalty. It’s just a word people use to make themselves feel better.”

– Thomas Shelby

16.” When you plan something well, there’s no need to rush.”

– Thomas Shelby

17.”Whiskey is good proofing water. It tells you who’s real and who isn’t.”

– Thomas Shelby

18.”The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless.”

– Thomas Shelby

19.” Fortune drops something valuable into your lap; you don’t just dump it on the bank of the cut. ”

– Thomas Shelby


"One minute of everything at once. And anything before is nothing. Everything after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute."


20.”One minute of everything at once. And anything before is nothing. Everything after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute.”

– Thomas Shelby